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Ornitier Posted: 16-01-2024 15:29:33
Joined: 03-01-2024
Last Seen: 15-02-2025
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From: Finland
Some ideas I've been thinking through in my head as of late. These ideas have been thought out to not require for players to spend more time on Ambroid, but still add a layer of complexity to the strategy of war.

Squad Modes: A mode could be set for your squad, where you receive bonuses accordingly, for example;
Aggressive: Your units have 25% bonus multiplier to AP when they are sent to battle.
Defensive: Your units have 25% bonus multiplier to DP when they are defending.
Economy: Your income is boosted by 25%
Exploration: Land is 25% cheaper and you get 25% more land from free land.
A cooldown of 24 hours between changing modes to prevent cheesing.

Bombing campaign: A new kind of attack.
If you have bombers, such as b-52, you could send them on bombing runs. For example, sending 100AP of bombers could destroy 10 random buildings and units, simulating causing damage to both infrastructure as well as military. You would not gain any money or land from these attacks, and instead they would cost you some money to send, but they would be powerful at reducing defenses of players who turtle up. (Perhaps a building or unit that mitigates damage from bombing campaigns or is able to shoot down some of the bombers should also be included here, but the idea is to reward aggressive play-style.)

Nuclear weapons: I know we got ICBM launchers, but to simulate the reality of nukes, nukes could be made so they work like bombing campaigns above, but be far more destructive. To simulate M.A.D. doctrine, if you launch your nukes against another player, and they turn out to have them, their nukes auto-launch against you.
Ornitier Posted: 18-01-2024 19:06:02
Joined: 03-01-2024
Last Seen: 15-02-2025
Posts: 28
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Rank: Captain
From: Finland
The custom unit shouldn't be available for early ranks, defeats the point of unlocking better units later.
Decapitator Posted: 15-02-2024 02:56:12
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 14-02-2025
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From: United Kingdom
That is true, but only if you are premium.

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