Ambroid Forums

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Decapitator Posted: 25-10-2024 04:54:26
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 10-02-2025
Posts: 68
Alliance: 1
Rank: Admin
From: United Kingdom
We have hit 28 online players today in the game. this is a milestone since roughly 2010. Impressive !

It would be great to see if we can hit 30 online per day by year out for 2025.

I have been aggressively targeting search engines and it seems to be working.

Veterans have been trickling in as well which is good to see. There are some vets who we are yet to welcome back, but who knows, when they do come back they'll likely be in for a shock !

Though these numbers are still small, it proves that we can reawaken the beast.

Thanks everyone for playing the game.

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