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Decapitator Posted: 03-12-2013 01:50:37
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 07-11-2024
Posts: 67
Alliance: 0
Rank: Admin
From: United Kingdom
Position Status Name
1 Lt General jimmy032995[3]
2 Lt General Foamy
3 Major General me21
4 Major General Gizmo[1]
5 Major General Vangelis
6 Major General Nightwolf507
7 Colonel GeneralGranger[3]
8 Lt Colonel Kaiserr
9 Lt Colonel Viperek[3]
10 Lt Colonel Chevycarlo87
11 Lt Colonel aleksandar1977[3]
12 Lt Colonel sunnyside
13 Lt Colonel LastBreath[3]
14 Lt Colonel War_Monger[1]
15 Lt Colonel fishhead[5]
16 Lt Colonel tedtheted
17 Lt Colonel SYN3ST3R[7]
18 Major 1110100110[5]
19 Major gabbaman[9]
20 Major MarkSharp69[4]
21 Captain CommanderClaw[3]
22 Captain Confederate[5]
23 Captain kanehtid[9]
24 Captain Roger[1]
25 Captain kitkat[5]
26 Private e90[8]
27 Private tziyon31[6]
28 Private brian13wouters
29 Private Hunnerkilla[4]
30 Private Spectre[5]
31 Private Darkassassin
32 Private henrik923dk[5]
33 Private qew[3]
34 Private sirjustin127[7]
35 Private negi0905[3]
36 Private moxer223[1]
37 Private exodus[8]
38 Private IrishOwenEire[1]
39 Private Dries[4]
40 Private dambroid[4]
41 Private afshin79[1]
42 Private Drunkcola[3]
43 Private natejr77[6]
44 Private MarkSharp
45 Private dustin22e[5]
46 Private Jimball[7]
47 Private Daniel[5]
48 Private Tyler[5]
49 Private Decapitator
50 Private Shippo

space rankings.
Not ranked due to 0 points played.
me21 Posted: 04-12-2013 03:50:16
Joined: 10-09-2013
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
Posts: 116
Alliance: 0
Rank: Private
From: Unknown
Powerboyjoe won but got hacked

all know Jimmy cheated

jimmy032995 Posted: 11-12-2013 19:07:35
whatever you say bro
Kaiserr Posted: 08-01-2014 20:22:57
8th place and did nothing all season wow! This game should just be put down! Bullet to the head should do just fine!

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