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Decapitator Posted: 12-05-2011 01:05:44
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 05-12-2024
Posts: 67
Alliance: 1
Rank: Admin
From: United Kingdom
Position Status Name
1 General Marines[12]
2 General Darkassassin[12]
3 General gabriele777[12]
4 General Katana[12]
5 Lt General Platinum[12]
6 Lt General dux[12]
7 Lt General SG[12]
8 Lt General me21[12]
9 Lt General sureshot[12]
10 Lt General Matt[12]
11 Lt General asdf[12]
12 Major General chevycarlo87[12]
13 Major General Wizard[12]
14 Major General EXPxPREDATOR[10]
15 Colonel jareth94[7]
16 Colonel adameire[12]
17 Colonel oweneire[12]
18 Colonel ptbp[6]
19 Colonel craig12[12]
20 Lt Colonel crain[1]
21 Lt Colonel Buster[12]
22 Lt Colonel pyromaniac[7]
23 Lt Colonel big_bog_bag[12]
24 Lt Colonel 11111[12]
25 Lt Colonel shofiq[12]
26 Lt Colonel PrinceSkotino[12]
27 Lt Colonel Irukandji[7]
28 Lt Colonel sadistik[3]
29 Lt Colonel hahaha09
30 Lt Colonel MAK[3]
31 Lt Colonel dav_jenko[7]
32 Major luckyse7en[7]
33 Major darkcommander[3]
34 Major powerboyjoe[3]
35 Major FieryTundra
36 Major LeeroyJenkins[17]
37 Major SirTruke[7]
38 Major kkhoovanator[11]
39 Major TenaflyViper[4]
40 Major unique_megageek[8]
41 Major Gabriel20090[8]
42 Major commando5671[8]
43 Captain Methusalah
44 Captain jraw101
45 Captain aerondel[3]
46 Captain Ticehurst91
47 Captain 00000[6]
48 Captain HeZ
49 Captain nuke_town23
50 Captain verthood
51 Captain PsyNami[4]
52 Captain bags[6]
53 Captain Cmaster[3]
54 Captain JAK_X[16]
55 Captain magners
56 Captain Fake101[5]
57 Captain skil1zkash
58 Captain athinoutsi[6]
59 Captain CAAZE[6]
60 Captain faithless
61 Captain matchhead[5]
62 Captain bdab23[3]
63 Captain my1st66mustang
64 Captain Grisly
65 Captain mato0077[8]
66 Captain rikolis[8]
67 Captain who[7]
68 Private Sexmonkey
69 Private demon42[1]
70 Private Thunderboy
71 Private tatey127[3]
72 Private Kriswhinf[14]
73 Private sangokas[8]
74 Private bb24[6]
75 Private askin12[2]
76 Private cardborx9753[3]
77 Private ckain75[1]
78 Private Android007
79 Private ashikurama[3]
80 Private brianutatx[2]
81 Private TheShadowBhindU[16]
82 Private Zaeffyre
83 Private garethw[14]
84 Private UBERSCUBER[1]
85 Private morradi09[4]
86 Private KillerX[8]
87 Private tusitc[2]
88 Private Howsey[6]
89 Private sosolid33333
90 Private Knarfy29[8]
91 Private tony[4]
92 Private phoenixxz
93 Private Viperek[6]
94 Private Callouster[2]
95 Private walter6969[2]
96 Private Lengman70[6]
97 Private dforreal
98 Private Stun
99 Private blackberry26[18]
100 Private kaneboy[6]
Decapitator Posted: 12-05-2011 01:09:21
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 05-12-2024
Posts: 67
Alliance: 1
Rank: Admin
From: United Kingdom
Space Edition:

Position Status Name Points
1 Lord Admiral Nightwolf507[1] 11355079129
2 Lord Admiral Viperek3[1] 451337293
3 Lord Admiral Viperek17[3] 9348204
4 Cadet Viperek10[3] 5484314
5 Lord Admiral legacy37[5] 5242847
6 Cadet Viperek4[1] 3325457
7 Lord Admiral oldboy[5] 2346212
8 Cadet Viperek15[3] 1607194
9 Cadet Viperek11[3] 388318
10 Cadet Viperek5[4] 352286
11 Cadet Viperek20[3] 334224
12 Cadet Viperek14[3] 166032
13 Cadet Viperek12[3] 27024
14 Cadet Viperek13[4] 17394
15 Lord Admiral Viperek1[1] 5004
16 Lord Admiral Viperekk[1] 0
17 Lord Admiral Viperekkk[1] 0
18 Lord Admiral Viperek2[1] 0
19 Lord Admiral Viperek7[1] 0
20 Fleet Admiral reaper110[4] 0
21 Colonel Viperek8[1] 0
22 Major dav_jenko[4] 0
23 Captain commando5671[3] 0
24 Cadet halo3[3] 0
25 Cadet Naitomea[3] 0
26 Cadet jraw101[4] 0
27 Cadet bdab23 0
28 Cadet captainjones 0
29 Cadet craig12 0
30 Cadet Nightwolf4 0
31 Cadet reaper[4] 0
Darkassassin Posted: 12-05-2011 04:36:41
awwww snap.

The Council has completed its task sucessfully.

Congradulations Marines.

We need a new volunteer.
crain Posted: 12-05-2011 11:25:09
Hmm, and I joined more than 2 thirds in. Nothing has changed in the time not playing then :P
Darkassassin Posted: 16-05-2011 02:58:28
I need another person to give a win too.

lets take some votes.
Marines Posted: 18-05-2011 03:49:32
Wow, we raped xD
Darkling216 Posted: 25-08-2011 17:00:25
hmmm I'm still learning the system but i could have sworn

id done good enough to at least be IN the top 100 consider

there's only about 120 people in the game and a portion is

inactive.... oh well maybe next time
jonnydorite Posted: 13-10-2011 23:28:15
We seriusly need to get peaple in this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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