Ambroid Forums

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crain Posted: 06-04-2011 05:50:31
Haha, they just need some practise :)
me21 Posted: 06-04-2011 20:16:50
Joined: 10-09-2013
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
Posts: 116
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Rank: Private
From: Unknown
I know some people that are about as coordinated as me with mittens on and in handcuffs lol
darkcommander Posted: 08-05-2011 13:49:43
who ur friends or are they some people u found on the street
me21 Posted: 08-05-2011 16:59:15
Joined: 10-09-2013
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
Posts: 116
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Rank: Private
From: Unknown
Yeah friends lol, I have two kinds of friends, the kind that are coordinated but never want to do anything, and the people who are the most uncoordinated people on the face of the earth and always want to do something lol.
jimmyd Posted: 19-12-2011 05:37:26
hahahahahahehe that shit was funny
jimmyd Posted: 19-12-2011 05:39:50
hahahahahahehehehehe that shit was funny

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