Ambroid Forums

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INFIDEL Posted: 01-02-2013 21:53:30
bank would be nice
e90 Posted: 02-02-2013 04:15:12
Joined: 16-11-2013
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
Posts: 5
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Rank: Private
From: Unknown
Just forget the bank this season
Borris Posted: 04-02-2013 10:15:53
Any desicions on what'll happen? Woulda been good to know so we can do some planning
DrKill Posted: 10-02-2013 20:23:29
How about..

This season - 3 (let's see how it works)

Next season - 1 (I always did love being able to customise your own alliance)

Bank.... not sure. In the past this has always been abused to propel one person above everyone else, or create assassins to ruin chances of a game leader, by the game's permanent faction (DarkAssassin, DarkYoda, et al). Without this, they can't influence the game as much and it relies more on individual skill and teamwork.
jimmy032995 Posted: 11-02-2013 00:13:08
Viperek Posted: 11-03-2013 19:31:45
i vote 4 because it was fun having 500 people in alliance
White_Fire Posted: 12-03-2013 00:21:25
yeah viperek with 200 being your multis haha

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