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G00NxNATION Posted: 10-06-2012 04:16:45
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Wtf China? No one likes china
MarkSharp Posted: 10-06-2012 04:23:35
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ya but thay do have a big ass army thay got more people then we got bullets lol
DarkYoda Posted: 10-06-2012 04:38:19
haha countries will work best
MarkSharp Posted: 10-06-2012 04:40:30
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lol that would be fun
me21 Posted: 11-06-2012 04:16:47
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I think if we got enough people back we could possibly do more. If you remember from our eRepublik days Mark it would be cool if we could do every nation. Right now the way its looking with active users I think 4 alliances will be best. U.S., Russia, U.K. Australia I think it should be just simply because of the fact there would be no interest or dedication from users if you did a nation like China. There are hardly any chinese players that I know of and only asain ones that I know of are e90 and clan. I think the majority of users are from the States, U.K., Scotland and Australia but I put russia in there just because Russias awesome.

Also something I think that would be interesting would be the fact of conquering alliances somehow in a war. Be it by military or by financial I think conquering alliances and creating an alliance spot to fill by conquering them would be an interesting twist. Financial would be an interesting twist on it as I did see bank on test server and we all know theres more than one way to take over. As said by John Adams “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.”
MarkSharp Posted: 11-06-2012 05:00:07
Joined: 24-10-2024
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what if u had like a allince ap and dp and each player donted ap and dp to the allince then the allinces could declear and fight a war but say each member would have to vote and u would have like a 24 hour cont down till the war starts then the allince fight it out just like a we would say thay got 10 attackes each but then agine there alot of holes but some one mite be able to make it better im stoned lol
prostartup Posted: 11-06-2012 12:22:02
i think that is a good idea mark i think if there is going to be war then it should be the hole alliance that chooses whether to with majority vote winning, but then you have the problem of how do you spread the damages of war out to all players in the alliance, i had another idea come to me over the weekend what you could do is 5 alliances top 5 players leaders and then when you log in your automatically assigned to one of 5 alliances after 48hours if you choose to leave you can no longer join an alliance as you chose to disband and leave you co-players. you would then become a lone ranger player with no allegiance thus giving all players the choice either stay in an alliance or work alone, i honestly think that if you do this and then make the five leaders start on the rank of captain so they cannot be attacked until a player with enough points can do soo thus giving every player in the game to work for, i also like the idea of the leaders getting to pick there co-leaders but i do think that if anything they should have to work for it either by doin the first person to reach a certain amount of acres of land or a certain ranking i.e first player in the alliance to reach the rank of captain excludin the leader himself obviously becomes co-leader. all jus ideas :) been thinkin bout it all weekend haha :D
DarkYoda Posted: 11-06-2012 16:17:38
Apart from the captain thing, that's already been suggested
MarkSharp Posted: 11-06-2012 16:28:22
Joined: 24-10-2024
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i was just throwing somethings out there and u want ur leader and co leader to be ambrod vets becase of the exp and thay will have the know how as were some of the newer players for exsample if da and darkyoda ran a allince then u had 2 people leadeing thats been here 1 or 2 seasons thay will get the sh*t beat out so i still think it should be up to the leader who the co leader is and also if the leader and co leader ant on the same page it mkes it harder to run a allince
prostartup Posted: 11-06-2012 18:57:57
fair enough was only makin a suggestion didn know it had already been talked about :/

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