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Sniper Posted: 07-01-2012 04:08:25
Joined: 12-02-2009
Last Seen: 13-01-2025
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From: Unknown
You can actually make 20 attacks a day if you make all ten attacks at one time and then wait over 12 hours you can make 10 attacks again. Also if you are
premium you have unlimited attacks. But attacking lowers your population, lowering your income and raising the cost of the military. The lower your Population gets the longer it takes for it too return.
Lowering tax rate helps it to return faster but it still takes time and that lowers your income per hour too is why attacking needs to be done in some moderation.

Welcome to Ambroid Zorgarath
deathknight Posted: 07-01-2012 10:28:40
Sorry to say but mike is stupid, he's trying to fix the game for players he doesnt even have yet and he doesnt care about the ones he has right now pretty soon this game will die unless mike gets off his lazy ass and starts coding better for the games sake, what mike needs to do is make the game better for the players he has then after that more players will start rolling in. Mike think for what you have not for something thats not there yet!!!! Hope this gets through your thick stubborn skull of yours!!!
Sammy Posted: 07-01-2012 11:37:08
Sammy, meltdownpyro and 3 others like this.

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Confederate Posted: 07-01-2012 17:21:31
Joined: 29-10-2011
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From: Unknown
Free trade should be placed into the game, we earned our units now let us do with them what we choose. There are just too many regulations against the player. Remove send aid and just allow allies to trade units freely.
Sammy Posted: 07-01-2012 19:38:55
You are just having a cry because you need aid, and I keep taking sweet acreage from you ;'D ;'D

You are like a midget. I keep stunting your growth. You will never grow into a person size
Confederate Posted: 07-01-2012 22:08:23
Joined: 29-10-2011
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From: Unknown
That is a weak argument little girl, I am complaining because too many Europeans are Socialists. Let the free market work, don't be afraid of Liberty and the right to choose and to let others choose what to do with individual property.
I continue to live Sammy, and it looks like 12 is not assassinating anyone. 12 has nearly fallen due to inactivity, weak members, and loss in battle. Look forward to our next exchange my lady. Good Luck.
chevycarlo87 Posted: 07-01-2012 22:29:17
Free trade. Letting military just be swapped around freely would ruin game.

Already can swapped some if two are on at same rank at same time in alliance and sending aid is available you just can't be at full PP to do it.

Confederate Posted: 08-01-2012 01:27:31
Joined: 29-10-2011
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
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From: Unknown
Easy to say it would ruin the game while at the top, actually I think it would improve it. Instead of only a few at the top battling for first more competition would be involved, thus drawing more players. You veteran players need to wake up to the reality that not many people want to play this game. There is to much regulation forcing players to play only one way. This is not how the world works, that is the game regulators manipulating a game to the desire of players like you who complain about free trade. If one country wants to trade with another it can, look at the United States giving aid all over and as a result it is 14 trillion in debt. So there would still be the same incentive as with aid. It comes down to who is active and can play well with other people. The game is not called "Let Chevy and Nightwolf win everytime because they know how the game is manipulated".
GraveDigger Posted: 08-01-2012 04:39:18
I have not played long but it seems to me it would be stupid.
I could send all my DP to people and get loads of AP and just kill people. Then get my DP back afterwards by giving them back remaining AP. Kinda dumb and no challenge just who has most people to help them do it.

I like the challenge to try and beat the good players in game that have played a long time. I'd rather see it every man for himself.

In any game always will be players that have played longer Confederate don't be such a poor sport.
chevycarlo87 Posted: 08-01-2012 06:28:29
I'm not european or socialist
I have never won yet
I 've just been playing game for many seasons to learn how. It has taken me along time to get this far and i'm a long ways from winning still.
You don't know how to play game the way game it is so you want to complain or try to manipulate everyone into changing it to a way you think you can win.
Your free trade idea is crapola.
Get over yourself.

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