Ambroid Forums

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deathknight Posted: 26-10-2011 03:02:19
nope dont recall that name either?
Darkassassin Posted: 20-11-2011 04:52:48
I dont remember the name, and I have been here since a season after Darkstar brought the game online :|
hellsfire Posted: 26-11-2011 22:19:05
Joined: 26-04-2015
Last Seen: 01-02-2024
Posts: 4
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Rank: Private
From: Unknown
I don't remember him either, but then again I didn't get a chance to meet most of the greats. Some of you may recognise me from the HoF Archives, but idk because I don't recognise most of the names here now.
Darkassassin Posted: 29-11-2011 15:06:46
lol I barely recognize anyone :/
whered all the old poeple go!? D:

i miss them >.>
Marines Posted: 30-11-2011 07:06:11
Well... I'm back xD
Darkassassin Posted: 13-12-2011 03:05:34
looooool look i went innactive again for 2 weeks.
>.> i cant remember to check on here often anymore! D:
i have to many other things to do. :(
esper Posted: 14-12-2011 03:41:23
i remember darkassassin getting banned in the first few days of a season for farming lol. and yes remember viperek, he was a right prick.
esper Posted: 14-12-2011 03:43:52
and constantly arguing with marines about little things on forums
reeddreed Posted: 23-01-2012 03:52:38
I was on here around 2006-ish
Thunderboy Posted: 02-05-2012 14:36:29
I have been here since nearly at the start i have had many usernames this is probably my most used name as well as Ushtey and WaterDemon etc

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