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DarkYoda Posted: 07-06-2012 14:24:41
I must say Decap, this is the first time in 5 years that I've been excited about the upcoming season. I'd like to hear more about the changes.
The game needs structure so we need to get everything planned early. Have you selected any of the 3 leaders? I vote on asking DA, Vang & Torny.

Is there an alliance choice or random recruitment?
Is it Europe
Rest Of World?
Any differences in buildings or militia?
America could have Cheaper buildings, ROW better economy, Europe cheaper military?
Not my suggestion, I stole it from someone.
Pretty excited to bounce more ideas around.
DarkAssassin Posted: 08-06-2012 01:03:45
Leading an allaince?
well that would be good practice for later when I take over the world.

DarkYoda Posted: 08-06-2012 13:32:21
It's convincing Torny to return that's the hard part, not finding him.

Set a vice leader to the alliance and they take over when the other is killed, or just whoever is stronger in the alliance is leader.

You shouldn't be able to leave the alliance but you should get a choice at the start which to join. Also each alliance should have a bank
DarkAssassin Posted: 09-06-2012 18:24:55
lol get me in contact with torny and ill get him back on here.

he never could resist the chance to try to show me up
DarkYoda Posted: 10-06-2012 04:38:59
DarkYoda Posted: 10-06-2012 04:40:33
Or more used is his FB
Jeremy Mason
He is the one with a pic of Arnold's bicep from pumping iron as his dp
Ornitier Posted: 11-09-2012 18:37:32
Joined: 03-01-2024
Last Seen: 15-01-2025
Posts: 26
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Rank: Private
From: Finland
Have I been here before... I don't know if I can be bothered really playing, but I thought I'd come and see what's going on... *laughs*
Ornitier Posted: 12-09-2012 08:17:38
Joined: 03-01-2024
Last Seen: 15-01-2025
Posts: 26
Alliance: 5
Rank: Private
From: Finland
I'm thinking I haven't been around since 2008. Maybe even 2007. Can't remember anymore. Had a discussion with PottaPiru and remembered the game out of nowhere and decided to check it out again.

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