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Decapitator Posted: 12-05-2011 22:42:40
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 05-12-2024
Posts: 67
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From: United Kingdom

So.... you see, i do actually give a damn about this place but i have contemplated closing ambroid for 8 months, just purely to get rid of bad eggs around here.
Blacklight Posted: 12-05-2011 23:02:16
I dont understand. You want players to join but at the same time want players to leave.
I dont see how some us are 'bad eggs' though, many players have quit.
5th_Element Posted: 13-05-2011 00:59:55
lol, you make me laugh.
Sniper Posted: 13-05-2011 04:57:29
Joined: 12-02-2009
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From: Unknown
It isn't he wants players to leave
he wants players to actually care about the game and try to get more players to join and get Ambroid userbase bigger.

As for the (Bad Eggs)
Many of the users that have been here don't want to even try to help Ambroid grow. They rather constantly bad mouth the game to others.

Then you have the damn Bad egg users that cheat every season and ruin the season for many others which has caused many of the loyal honest users to quit and also caused the new userbase we get to just say the hell with it keeps Ambroid from growing.

Many of these users have been banned more than once and only allowed to return because the userbase has been so low. So it isn't like Decap doesn't want to keep players or these users would never have been allowed to return.

I suggest all players read all the rules and follow them. Myself and Vipey are going to keep a close watch and if you are caught this season breaking any of them you will be banned and also removed from Hall of Fame and Archives if there.

If you want to cheat do it on the other servers all you like as this may be our last chance to keep Ambroid alive.

Perhaps we all can set a goal of getting 400 active users in game by end of season and Decap will actually know many of us users here do care.

Ambroid is being Advertised all over between what Decap pays and many websites and Game Directory sites
I have gotten to put Ambroid up on for free. We get many new users joining each and every day.

Please just take the time and send a message and welcome them if you happen to be online when they are.

Many of you can do your part by just posting the website any where you can or if you have a printer just print up the webiste multiple times on a sheet of paper and cut them out and leave them in places you may visit.

Clicking Banners daily helps support Ambroid.

There are many ways we all can do our part and one of the biggest is stop posting negative stuff about the game as that doesn't help any at all.


As for the car LOL now thats advertising. Decap needs to put some Spinners on it though. 8-)~
jareth94 Posted: 13-05-2011 18:03:14
The only other forum I post on has had this advertised on it a couple of times, though I am unaware if any have joined from there.

As for the car, would be better if it was a Merc ;)
HeZ Posted: 14-05-2011 05:04:18
Joined: 06-02-2024
Last Seen: 12-12-2024
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From: Unknown
Im going to bali soon, i mite get a bunch of stickers made lol and stick em everywhere :p
Decapitator Posted: 14-05-2011 19:34:02
Joined: 11-02-2015
Last Seen: 05-12-2024
Posts: 67
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Rank: Admin
From: United Kingdom
give me your address and i will post them to you, with YOUR promocode on them. same goes for ANYONE HERE.
crain Posted: 19-05-2011 13:49:11
I'll give you my address if you want it.
Darkling216 Posted: 25-08-2011 16:46:29
i agree with sniper i have seen alot of people trash talk

but seeing Decap say wanting to ditch it over so called

bad eggs??? he has the ability to remove those bad eggs

considering its his domain either way once again its not

about people or browser ratings its USER ratings that

count i have asked several people what they think of the


ON "NEW" users say they sign on daily and enjoy it but

just so you know once they get the hang of the game and

relise there are hardly EVER any improves and we dont

see Decap take to really ANY of our improve ideas even

as simple as some are its going to automatically run

people away i admit when i started the game i was into it

for a week then i didnt sign on for months and got the

inactive account E-mail and was directed back here

honestly I FORGOT ABOUT THE SITE because.... wheres

the shimmer that forces the memorable factor that

causes people to think about it the way they think about

taking a shit you know AT LEAST ONCE A DAY???? soo

CUSTOMS is this sites best chance to survive but i feel

Decap may choose to just drop it but it looks like more

interested in selling it lol its funny usually people FLIP

the house before putting it on the market you don't take

a trashed slum and throw it on the market unless you

use Craigslist and don't expect to make more than a

penny soo even if he does sell it he SHOULD at least add

new settings and a little Razzle Dazzle to it and not only

will users appreciate it but buyers would pay more for

the effort that gets put into it either way im not trying to

piss anyone off just saying.....
Darkling216 Posted: 25-08-2011 16:47:44
oh and i really do like the car is it a decal? it would be cool

if you had someone do concept art of Ambroid to it with a

spray gun that would be bad ass i mean it!!!

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