Recent Wars
ATTACK 13-12-2024 18:01
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 13 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 17:27
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 15 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 16:33
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 15 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 15:59
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 16 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 15:22
AfIrmo[3](Major General) attacked HeavenlyHunter winning 36 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 14:26
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 16 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 13:56
Tanky[4](Major General) attacked gtxa8tz winning 16 acres of land

ATTACK 13-12-2024 13:01
PottaPiru[1](General) attacked HeavenlyHunter winning 41 acres of land

Events are GMT+0 game time.

Latest Kills
Victim   Killed By Date Killed
Death4Tanky12-12-24 16:26
TekCrecTanky11-12-24 14:14
DirectorAfIrmo11-12-24 07:13
ShockwaveDARKKK09-12-24 22:31
Tornillum_ExAidDARKKK08-12-24 13:27
SpikeHydraTanky07-12-24 14:53
EsnakeTanky06-12-24 15:52
Dedwing345Tanky06-12-24 14:48
Fleco1990DARKKK05-12-24 10:33
tyui70DARKKK05-12-24 09:17

Total killed players: 220
poppy  We Will Remember Them  poppy
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Players: 66 (610)
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